Brian Ortega Had Major Eye Cut 3 Weeks Before UFC Mexico Fight

Brian Ortega was all set for his big return at UFC Mexico. But, man, did things almost go south before they even started.

His coach, Rener Gracie, spilled the beans. Ortega got a nasty cut above his left eye from a headbutt during training. We’re talking four stitches outside, ten inside. Ouch.

Gracie was sweating bullets over this. “One light punch there, and it’s game over,” he said. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, Ortega goes and rolls his ankle. Talk about bad luck.

But wait, there’s more. Gracie didn’t just tell us about it. He showed us. Instagram got a play-by-play with a video of the headbutt and a snapshot of the aftermath. Ortega, stitches and all, had a message for his coach: “The show continues, homie.”

Despite the cut and a wobbly ankle, Ortega didn’t just show up; he showed out. His fight with Yair Rodriguez was a rollercoaster. The first round was rough, but by the third, Ortega flipped the script and snagged a submission win. This was his first fight back since a shoulder injury benched him after their first dance in July 2022.

And there you have it. Against all odds, Ortega’s comeback was nothing short of a Hollywood script. The guy’s resilience is something else. “We don’t even care. [We’re] sweating, The show continues,” he said. And continue it did, all the way to victory.

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