Charles Johnson Frustrated by Continuous UFC Apex Show Appearances

UFC Fight Nights at the Apex in Vegas? They’ve been getting some flak lately. Fans and fighters alike aren’t too thrilled.

So, Renato Moicano, a crowd pleaser in the lightweight division, dropped a truth bomb. He’s not a fan of the Apex. And guess what? Charles Johnson’s singing the same tune. After his first UFC match in London, every fight’s been at the Apex for him.

Johnson’s got a bout against Azat Maksum this weekend. But he’s feeling shortchanged. The full UFC vibe? Not happening for him. No roaring crowd, no arena buzz. And his wife can’t even snag a ticket. Talk about frustrating.

He told Jamie Theo in an interview, “I was into it at first. Now? It’s just annoying. Feels like my whole career’s stuck in the Apex. No fans. Can’t get my wife and little girl in ’cause tickets are through the roof.”

Every time he’s up, getting a ticket for his wife seems impossible. It’s the biggest headache, he says. You’d think snagging one seat wouldn’t be such a hassle.

The Apex has its perks, like the quiet. Makes it easier to focus, maybe. But safe from hecklers? Not a chance. Johnson mentions this one guy, always there, always heckling. “Rich jerk,” he calls him. But, the intimacy of the place? That, he likes. Hearing every breath, every move.

Yet, after experiencing the electric vibe in arenas like Toronto and Jacksonville, the Apex feels… off. “It’s like a spar session, not a real fight,” he says. He misses the fan energy. That’s the real deal for him.

This Saturday, Johnson’s aiming to snap a three-fight losing streak against the unbeaten Maksum at UFC Fight Night 235. Here’s hoping he finds that spark, even if it’s in the Apex.

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