Daniel Rodriguez Gets 3-Month Suspension for Tainted Supplement Case

Daniel Rodriguez, a welterweight fighter in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, has successfully completed his suspension. This suspension was due to his unwitting consumption of a performance-enhancing substance.

In August, Rodriguez made an announcement. He had failed an out-of-competition drug test for a low level of ostarine. He claimed that he didn’t knowingly take it. According to him, it must have been in one of his dietary supplements.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) confirmed his theory on Thursday. Rodriguez was able to prove that his positive test was caused by a contaminated product.

The substance was present in extremely low levels in his system. Although it was still banned, it was not the type that would have likely impacted his performance. Rodriguez’s cooperation with USADA helped determine this result. He was handed down a three-month suspension effective August 17. This means that he has completed the sentence and will be allowed to compete again as soon as possible.

The Nevada State Athletic Commission initially handed down a six-month ban for the 36-year-old. However, it adjusted its verdict to match the USADA ruling.

Rodriguez is not the first UFC fighter to fall victim to this specific substance from contaminated substances. Other names include Diego Sanchez, Ovince St. Preux, Sean O’Malley, and Tim Means. All of them received lighter sentences due to the drug inadvertently being in their systems.

Rodriguez has yet to state when he plans to return to competition. However, he did post a video on Saturday expressing his jubilation for the end of his suspension and his vindication.

In the video, Rodriguez exclaims, “I got some amazing news, everybody. This is so f—ing major. I am no longer suspended by USADA. I am cleared and good to go, the supplements that I sent in came back positive for banned substances, so that means I am no longer suspended. I can get a fight at any point now, and everybody that was doubting me, thinking I was f—ing taking juice and trying to be a f—ing cheater: F— y’all. I understand, y’all didn’t know anything, but I’m letting you guys know right now, I ain’t no f—ing cheater when it comes to this fighting s–t. So, stay tuned for a possible matchup, I have amazing news coming so just keep y’all’s fingers crossed and y’all’ll see me soon. Let’s go.”

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