Highlight Video: Sean Brady Kimuras Kelvin Gastelum at UFC on ESPN 52

Alright, so let’s talk UFC on ESPN 52. The highlight reel? Sean Brady pulling off a Kimura on Kelvin Gastelum.

Now, that’s a sight! Brady doing the Kimura. Picture it.

And Gastelum? He’s on the receiving end. Ouch.

So, there you have it. ESPN 52, UFC style. Brady, Gastelum, and a Kimura.

You gotta see this video. It’s a knockout, literally.

Well, figuratively. But you get what I mean.

Anyway, back to the point. UFC on ESPN 52. Brady. Gastelum. Kimura.

It’s all in the highlight video. Don’t miss it.

In conclusion, Sean Brady’s Kimura on Kelvin Gastelum. The highlight of UFC on ESPN 52.

And that, my friends, is the long and short of it.

Well, not too long. Not too short either. Just right.

Remember, it’s all about the balance. Like a good Kimura.

And that’s that. Until next time, UFC fans.

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