Justin Gaethje Discusses Dislike for Wrestling-Dominant Fighting Style

Justin Gaethje’s approach to fighting? It’s deeply rooted in his origins. He’s candid about how his style has catapulted him to where he is today in the MMA world.

Now, let’s talk about Gaethje. He’s not just a fighter; he’s a spectacle. Fans adore him. Why? Because he never backs down. Despite his NCAA Division I wrestling background from the University of Northern Colorado, you’ll rarely catch him grappling. Nope. Gaethje prefers the thrill of a stand-up war, delivering jaw-dropping moments that have become the stuff of legends in the sport.

Recently, Gaethje shed some light on why he steers clear of a wrestling-dominant strategy, despite being more than capable. “The Highlight,” as he’s known, believes his paycheck owes a lot to his fight style. “This is my job. I do this for the money,” Gaethje expressed during a chat with Title Sports Network. He’s convinced that a wrestling-heavy approach wouldn’t have opened the same financial doors. “I’ve had huge fights, pretty much because of the way I fight so I have no regrets,” he added.

Irony has a funny way of showing up, doesn’t it? Gaethje’s moniker, “The Highlight,” actually stems from his wrestling days. Back then, he was all about the slams. “I would pick people up and slam them on their heads. I had two knockouts from slams early on in my career,” he reminisced. That’s the genesis of his nickname.

Fast forward to UFC 300 last month. Gaethje, in line for a lightweight title shot, decided to defend his BMF title against Max Holloway instead. The match? Brutal. Holloway dominated, but Gaethje, true to form, fought with all he had until a knockout ended the bout in the final moments.

So, there you have it. Gaethje’s journey is a testament to staying true to one’s style, even when the going gets tough. It’s not just about the fights; it’s about the fighter’s heart. And Gaethje? He’s got heart in spades.

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