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The information provided is held within a specific structure known as a “div” class. This particular section is named “info” and holds relevant information about the content of the webpage. This section too comprises two sub-sections or sub-classes known as the “share” class and the “article-info” class.

The “share” class includes various features to facilitate the sharing of the webpage. It includes social media share options such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, WhatsApp, and Email. All these options have been programmed such that the website doesn’t track the user clicks on these buttons. This particular class also links to an external script that is loaded asynchronously, which most likely manages the share functionalities. This script also includes a function called “sd_addtoany_onshare” which tracks the sharing activity to different platforms and updates the data analytics.

The final part of the “info” div class is the “article-info” section. This part of the code indicates that the information contained within this webpage is an article. It also indicates the source of the article, which is linked to an external webpage of the author, without specifically mentioning the website’s name. The date displayed alongside the author’s name signifies when the article was originally written or published. In this case, the article appears to have been published on the 21st of October, 2023.

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