UFC ESPN 53 Highlight: Julian Erosa Executes Guillotine on Ricardo Ramos

Oh, did you catch that? “UFC on ESPN 53 Highlight Video: Julian Erosa Guillotines Ricardo Ramos.” Yeah, that happened.

So, Julian Erosa, right? He went and did the thing. Wrapped up Ricardo Ramos in a guillotine choke. Pretty wild, huh?

And it’s not just any fight. This was on ESPN 53. Big deal, folks.

Now, about that guillotine. It’s a move, sure. But when Erosa pulls it off? Art. Pure art.

Ramos, tough as nails, got caught. Happens to the best of ’em.

But hey, that’s the game. You win some, you get guillotined in others.

Erosa’s moment, though? Highlight reel material. No doubt.

Makes you think, doesn’t it? One moment, you’re standing. The next, you’re part of someone’s career highlight.

Anyway, back to the point. Julian Erosa. Remember the name. Because after that move? Hard to forget.

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