Alexander Yakovlev – Record, Age, Height, Weight & Next Fight

Name Alexander Yakovlev
Nickname “Russian Thunder”
Birthdate July 18, 1984
Age 40
Place of Birth Russia
Weightclass 155
Height 6 ft, 3 in / 1.91 m
Weight 155 lbs / 34 kg
Reach 74″ / 188 cm
Leg Reach 42.5″
Stance Southpaw
Style Striker

Alexander “Russian Thunder” Yakovlev is an MMA fighter who competes in the UFC lightweight division. He was born in Russia on Wednesday, July 18, 1984, and is currently 40 years old. Alexander trains and represents K Dojo. He made his first appearance in the Octagon on May 31, 2014 — 3,951 days ago.

Alexander Yakovlev’s record and next fight

Alexander Yakovlev has fought in over 0 professional MMA bouts. As of Mar. 2025, Alexander Yakovlev’s record is –0. of those wins came by KO/TKO, by submission, and the rest () by decision.

Alexander Yakovlev’s next fight: PENDING

His last fight was on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – – against at . Alexander Yakovlev by in round at .

Alexander Yakovlev’s height, reach, and weight

Alexander Yakovlev is 6' 3" tall with 74″ reach, and 42.5″ leg reach. The average reach is correlated to the fighter’s height. Did you know: Dan “The Sandman” Christison had the longest reach in the UFC at 85 inches.

Alexander weighs in at 155 lbs. Athletes who fight in UFC lightweight division may weigh anywhere from 146 – 155 pounds. Most MMA fighters are around 10 to 30 lbs heavier than their weight class limit.

Facts you need to know

Where is Alexander Yakovlev from?
Alexander Yakovlev is from Russia.

When is Alexander Yakovlev’s birthday?
Alexander Yakovlev is 40 years old. His next birthday is in 114 days.

What is Alexander Yakovlev fighting stance?
Alexander Yakovlev fights in a Southpaw stance. Southpaw

What is Alexander Yakovlev’s birth sign?
Alexander Yakovlev was born in the Year of a Rat in Millennials Generation. Alexander’s birth sign is Cancer, according to BirthdayAnswers.

Where does Alexander Yakovlev train?
Alexander Yakovlev currently trains out of K Dojo.

Alexander Yakovlev’s social media
Check out Alexander Yakovlev’s Instagram and Twitter.

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