Renato Moicano Discusses UFC 300 Tribute to Austrian Economist

Renato Carneiro, folks, is not just throwing punches and kicks. Nope. He’s out there, swinging in the world of economic theories too. Big fan of that Austrian-inspired economic libertarianism stuff in Brazil. You know, the kind that makes you think twice about where your taxes go.

Oh, and before we dive deeper, here’s a quick shoutout to our sponsors. Yeah, those ads you love to skip.

So, “Moicano” had this fight at UFC 300. A real nail-biter against Jalin Turner. But our guy came out on top. And what does he do? Gives a nod to Ludwig von Mises in his victory speech. Yeah, that economist.

He’s all about this book, “Economic Policy: Thoughts For Today And Tomorrow.” Or as it’s known in Portuguese, “Six Lessons, Economic Policy.” Moicano’s like, “Love your country? Read this.” It’s Mises breaking down capitalism, socialism, the whole economic shebang, in six easy-to-digest lectures.

On “The MMA Hour,” Carneiro gets real about money. It’s not about making it, he says. It’s about keeping it. With inflation eating away at your wallet, this book’s a lifesaver. Teaches you about the economy, politics, and how the government’s playing monopoly with your cash.

Mises, along with his buddy Friedrich Hayek, were all for the free market. Minimal government meddling. While some folks can’t stand them, they were rock stars in Brazil during Jair Bolsonaro’s time. Even with the new guy, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, trying to put a lid on things, “Moicano” isn’t about to quiet down.

He’s got a point, though. Governments, according to him, thrive when folks are struggling. Keeps the poverty cycle spinning. But get a grip on economics, and you won’t be looking for handouts. You’ll see how welfare, in the long run, messes everyone up. Rich, middle class, poor – no one’s safe.

History’s littered with empires that crumbled under the weight of bad economic decisions. The Roman Empire? Wasn’t just the barbarians. They started messing with their money, and down they went. Carneiro’s on a mission. Wants a society that’s strong, with solid values. That’s why he’s pushing for everyone to read Mises. Says it’s simple stuff, no PhD required.

And that, my friends, is a wrap. Don’t forget to check those links. Dive into some economic theory between fights. Who knows? Might just change the way you look at your bank account.

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